Welcome to the Movement Our Lady of Consecration.
This Movement aims at spreading devotion towards the new title of Our Lady of Consecration and towards the Blessed Virgin through the consecration of individuals and families, as well as of society.
In the 1950's, Our Lady asked Guza Mifsud to make a picture of her as she was seeing her at that moment and to give it the title "Our Lady of Consecration". When she replied that she was not capable, Guza claimed that the Blessed Virgin told her, "Do everything, and say you’ve done everything under My direction. Take up your book of prayers and devotions which is in your chest of drawers. There is a holy picture of Me holding Baby Jesus in My arms. On that picture, preserve all that you can see in Me now, but leave out what you do not see and add what is missing."
Early the following morning, Guza took out the holy picture Our Lady had indicated and with a red chalk she drew the dress. Then with a blue ball-pen she drew the long cape. She first outlined the cross and the crown in pencil and then with a blue ball-pen. On Our Lady's instructions, Guza took the modified holy picture to a photographer for enlargement.
In August 1986, Guza said that Our Lady had told her, "I was consecrated to God since I was very young but no one in the world has given Me this title. It has pleased Me to bring it down to you Myself so that you tell them about it..."
Guza Mifsud also declared to have seen the Blessed Virgin at Girgenti, a very fertile and beautiful district in the outskirts of Siggiewi where she helped her family on their farmland.
Guza claimed that the valley was from side to side full of cane, large and tall, but she had made a clearing so that during her break she could pray there. She used to spread out a sack on the ground, sit on it, and start reciting the rosary. On the 29th June, the eve of the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul many people were flocking to Buskett to attend the agricultural, fowl and fruit show.
On that day she saw a great light on the loquat tree. It was as if the sun had landed on that tree. During that vision Our Lady was wearing a white dress and blue mantle and told Guza, "Pray hard for these people who are going to Buskett for entertainment because some will even commit sins. Pray also for all sinners especially now that abuses and immodesty flourish on the beaches." Guza drew an image of this vision and entitled it "Our Lady of Girgenti".*
Guza Mifsud, the visionary, was born in Siggiewi, Malta, on January 27, 1923. She was the youngest of seven children and led a very holy and humble life. She spent her youth helping her family in the fields and was also a member of the Catholic Action Movement and of the Figlie di Maria. She used to visit the sick, participated in the perpetual adoration before the Holy Sacrament and prepared hundreds of families to make the Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
When she was about twenty eight old, the Blessed Mother told her in a vision to spread devotion towards the new title "Our Lady of Consecration." Guza also claimed to have received messages from Jesus in the Eucharist and various saints and blessed souls. She delivered these messages during the prayer meetings organised at Girgenti.
She died at her home on October 28, 1996 and is buried at the cemetery dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Siggiewi.*
The shrine at Girgenti is continuously open and pilgrims from Malta and abroad visit daily to pray in front of the statue of Our Lady of Girgenti erected by Guza Mifsud on May 5, 1986.
In the following years, numerous additions were made to the shrine. In May 1988 a water trough was blessed, while four years later, in May 1992, a large wooden cross, a symbol of solace to people in distress, was also blessed as Our Lady had directed. The shrine also hosts the statues of Christ Suffering, St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel.
Girgenti is a place of refuge. The summer heat and the cold winter months do not detract any of Girgenti’s visual and spiritual beauty. At Girgenti one finds comfort, peace of mind and spiritual strength.
Organised meetings are held on every first and third Sunday of each month and normally last about 75 minutes. Other meetings are organised privately.*
Guza's house is found at 16, St. James Street, Siggiewi. It is an old house which lacks material wealth but those who visit always experience a great sense of peace and serenity. During her lifetime, Guza spent most of her time in prayer and helping people in their material and spiritual needs. It was a house of prayer and still is. Except for regular maintenance, its interior remained untouched and clearly depicts the simple and holy life which Guza lived.
This house can be viewed by appointment. Guided tours, with a maximum of twenty persons, last about 45 minutes. The tour also includes an audio visual presentation about Guza and her mission.
This house mainly includes the entrance hall wherein, amongst other objects, is situated the original image of “Our Lady of Consecration”, the chapel, the side room where Guza died and the bedroom where she had the vision of Our Lady of Consecration - a new title of Our Lady which was proclaimed for the first time in the world by the Blessed Virgin herself in this house.*
The Committee “Movement of Our Lady of Consecration” declares that it does not want to pass judgement on the supernatural facts mentioned in this site. Such a judgement is awaited from the Church Authorities.
Whilst hoping the contents of this site will afford some spiritual solace or help, it must be pointed out that since the language used by Guza Mifsud in the original Maltese is sometimes mysterious and therefore difficult to translate, in the case of possible discrepancy, the original in the Maltese language should be taken as the only true and correct version of the messages communicated by Guza Mifsud.
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