"December, a month prepared for us with love, peace and all the spiritual things given to us by Jesus in the greatness of a majestic God and in His holy birth. We should be filled with the spiritual values brought to us by this divine infant who descended from Heaven for our sakes."
Guza Mifsud (December 1996)
Various Topics - Christmas & Abortion
As expected, towards Christmas time, Guza often referred to the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ in her messages. The following are some extracts from her speeches:
In a message read in February 1997, Guza said, "The month of Christmas, the month of December, is the month of God's and of the beloved Jesus great mercy. It is the month when Our Queen, the Blessed Mary brought Him into the world... The month of December is the month of God's infinite mercy who sent us His son, Our Saviour, powerful and great on earth... It is an episode of love, an event of peace, Jesus came on earth and took our image, as a baby..."
In a speech delivered during the December 1987 prayer meeting, Guza said that the Blessed Virgin made the following appeal, "Daughter, I earnestly desire you to prepare people... so that as far as possible they think and prepare for the great and blessed feast commemorating the birth of Jesus, Christmas, so that your country and the world will come to realize more gladly, lovingly, with its emotion, with its strength of heart, mind and conscience the significance of this day when God, the Eternal Father, sent His only beloved son in the world... On Christmas day, daughter, I would wish that not only the sinners in your country but the whole world would understand that Jesus is the one chosen by God to bring peace to your country and the whole world..." Then, during the December 18, 1994 prayer meeting, Guza says, "...let us pray to the baby Jesus who came forth to bring peace into the world. This divine child truly wants to grant peace to the world but there are many people who, instead of paying heed to this child, are neglecting it.
The Lord does not want these absurd luxuries. Our Lady did not have luxury. We should not spend Christmas in extravagance, pique and hatred but we should keep our heart pure. That is what the Lady of Life wants and that is what Jesus of the Eucharist told me tonight. For the Lord Jesus to reign in our hearts, He must find love, peace, simplicity and purity of heart and of soul. However, the Lord Jesus is finding these qualities present only in a few souls. Jesus told me: 'If someone were to come in this environment he would fear to stay in the poverty and simplicity you have at your home, but there is where I find peace of heart. It is necessary that in the coming days people will keep their tongue clean, their heart and their intellect pure. They should renounce extra vanity, luxury and these unrestrained preparations.'
What the Lord wants in these days of Christmas are love and peace of heart." Another experience related to Christmas which Guza claims to have had occurred in 1991. Guza recounts, "Today it is Wednesday 25th December 1991. Therefore, today it is Christmas. The time is two o'clock... During this holy and blessed night I had a contact or a revelation which was inspired to me by Our Lady... I was ill all day. I tell you that the Blessed Virgin had great happiness in her heart but when the time had arrived to bring forth the divine child into the world she even felt sad. The Blessed Virgin was greatly adorned with the spirit of the Lord but as I could understand, she even felt some solitude... When I had this vision, I saw something wrapped around the Blessed Virgin. It was like an apron and beneath it, on swaddling clothes, she showed me the divine baby..."
In a message recorded by Guza on January 21, 1989, she relates the following: "Wednesday night was really marvellous. I wish I could open my mind so that your minds too may open. I started praying around 11.30p.m. and by approximately 4.00a.m. I had recited fifteen mysteries of the rosary... As I was unsure whether during the day I would have time to say any more rosaries, at about 7.00a.m. I was reciting the Joyful mysteries. At the third decade, I said, 'And so Holy Mother on a Thursday such as this you gave birth to baby Jesus in a cave in Betlehem. I have neither solace nor comfort, I have nothing.' Straightaway, I heard the voice of Our Lady who told me, 'Dear daugther, so much money is spent today when parents are expecting a child. I had nobody to welcome me. There was just this cave, a shelter for animals, large animals, some sheep and a cow. However, since I was in such an embarrassing situation, awaiting to give birth to the Divine Baby who came down from Heaven and denied Himself the beautiful things of the Holy City of God, Joseph entered carrying a lantern in his hand to clean up any dirt from the manger where hay was placed for the animals to feed on.
God afforded me Joseph to protect me. As he was a person much given to the spirit, we were shy of each other. But if the angel had not informed Joseph of the divine origin of my motherhood I would have been stoned to death. That was the custom in those days. It went back to the days of Moses. I was very apprehensive about this Child who was being sought out to be killed, by both the devil and Herod. All I had were a few clothes which I had brought with me from our shop in Nazareth.
God helped me to stay in the cave and give birth to the Divine Child. I did this willingly, full of fervour towards God, in a spirit of total acceptance and humility. I put the baby on clean hay such as is fed to animals, and I swaddled Him and kept Him warm.
Daughter, let me tell you that comfort, luxury and the squandering of money are not important in the least. There are so many who suffer poverty and hunger in the world, while those who can help them say, 'It's not my problem, I've never seen God' and the like. Eh, daughter, how wrong they are. It is inner peace, not money or wealth, that makes one happy. But there are families and individuals in every part of the world for whom material things matter above everything else and do not know the Lord..."
Christmas is a joyful occasion, the birth of the Divine Child who wanted to redeem us and to bring peace into the world. However, just a the birth of a child brings happiness, likewise the killing of so many innocent babies through abortion instils sadness and necessitates a severe condemnation.
Guza claims that during the night of January 31, 1987, the Blessed Virgin told her, "Alas, alas, I am sorry my child that today I am going to tell you these words. There are so many children who not only are they not instructed about God, not only are they not taught about their family, but they are aborted by their mothers because the children they are carrying are undesired."
Then she told me something else. She said: "Now you shall not see me, but you shall see a vision which will make you feel sad and you shall cry." As soon as I no longer heard and saw the beautiful vision of Our Lady of Life, I saw many things occurring before my eyes. I saw many mothers destroying the children whose conception was given by the Lord. I could not recognise what those groups of children were. In that vision, I saw a great multitude of children, not older than two months, or a month and a half or three months old. This is not their age after their birth but in their mother's womb.
Our Lady told me: "Tell your country about this because unfortunately this wound, the abortion of innocent children, exists even in your country. All over the world there are children who at the age of two months or a month and a half in their mother's womb, are being killed either by one thing or the other. In this vision you will see many children clutching at each other trying to save themselves but there is no one to defend them. Defend them by your word." How much did the Blessed Virgin cry because of this thing.
She said: "From those souls many could have become saints... Deliver this message to the Pope, deliver it to the world." I started crying when I saw what appeared to me to be kittens. At first, I could not recognise what they were but then I started making out the faces, they were faces of small angels. The Lord had just sent them into the world so that their mother gives them life and instead of giving them life, she gave them death. In this vision, I saw what looked like sand on the seabed. This sand consisted of these innocent children, who of a young age, a month and a half up to two months old, slightly less or slightly more, were clutching at this sand with those little hands which were the size of the paws of kittens, and those faces, the faces of angels, they were unrecognisable. I wept and wept. I remained impressed up to six o'clock in the morning..."
In another message Guza said that Our Lady told her, "My daughter, mention frequently this untoward event which is taking place everywhere, even in your small country. Alas, many innocent children whom the Lord gives to their parents are killed within a few days, weeks or a few months. My daughter, the Lord is sorely grieved because of the killing of many innocent children by abortion. Speak out, insist that the Lord does not want abortion. The Lord does not want the random killing of innocent people as is taking place in many countries..."
Then in January 1996, Guza states, "I know that abortion is committed everyday. Malta is small and therefore we only have a few cases, but abroad these things are greatly abused, thousands of children are killed by abortion. In a vision I had some time ago, at night, I saw that the Lord God of Hosts, Jesus in the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin are greatly grieved for these children, because these children are killed as if they were animals. Alas, they are torn into pieces like animals. These are people like us, in the future they would have been like us. We should pray to God because we are in a very bad situation, the world is falling into pieces..."
This wound of abortion was also mentioned in July 1995 whilst Guza was speaking about China. She said, "Besides, I also learnt that during this night, numerous thousands of people were to abort many innocent souls who were not yet aware of the calvary of the world. Alas, they were killed just as when Herod ordered the seizing of those innocent children from the hands of their mothers in order to kill them. But since the time of Herod, how many innocent babies were killed by abortion! They think that no one knows about them, but these are all counted before almighty God. The Lord God knows about them, He knows who their mother and their father were. He knows who killed such children in the past and who is killing them in the present times..."
I conclude this chapter by quoting the following extract which Guza dates to February 1987: "The Blessed Virgin greatly loves humanity and she wants to save everyone, it is we who must do our part. She wants to send everyone to that predestined place in Paradise. Jesus did not suffer the passion for me, or for him, or her or the other. He did not undertake the passion for the Pope, for the Bishop, for priests, for nuns and for religious persons, Jesus undertook the passion for everyone. Everyone was in the mind of Jesus at the time. Even I who came two thousand years after Him, I was in the mind of Jesus. He knew that I was to be born and that is why the Blessed Virgin is grieved for all those children who are killed by abortion because perhaps amongst them there were many souls who would have performed good deeds in the world. Many people are abusing the commandment that we can neither kill our brethren nor ourselves. We cannot kill our brethren, we have no right to do so. We have no say on the life of our brethren..."
Further information may be obtained from the series of books entitled 'The Founding of a New Titular'.