"I pray for everyone and I tell you that he who does not pray for his neighbour but only thinks of himself is selfish. Nothingness is worth much more than myself but the Lord together with Our Lady of Life have long ago instructed me that I cannot say one Hail Mary solely for my needs, I must offer it for everyone... for my neighbour, for Malta and for all the world especially where there is war, where people are massacred, where there is darkness, where they send away their neighbour to be tortured..".

Guza Mifsud (September 1995)

Prayers - Prayer of Intercession


  • Lord God of Hosts, cast Your glance upon me, protect me and keep me always bound to Your holy will.

    Lord, I adore You, I bless You and I praise You and while I thank you for the gifts and the graces which You have bestowed on Guza Mifsud, I beg You so that through her intercession and the intercession of Mary, My most holy Mother, grant me the grace I earnestly desire. Amen.

    Glory be to the Father...

About Us

The Movement of Our Lady of Consecration was founded by Guza Mifsud in 1987 mainly to spread devotion towards the new title “Our Lady of Consecration”. Notwithstanding Guza’s demise in 1996, the Committee still organises prayer meetings and is also always pleased to offer its assistance to those who visit the shrine at Girgenti and Guza’s house in Siggiewi, Malta.