"We must love the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is encircled with thorns because of our faults, our miseries, our defects, our sins, because of our hatred, so that He will have mercy on us. He will have mercy on our brothers and sisters, Maltese and Gozitan, and on the whole world because it pleases me to remember the whole world."
Guza Mifsud (April 17, 1987)
Prayers - Prayers to the Sacred Heart
During the June 1996 prayer meeting the following short prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus were recited. These prayers made up by Guza Mifsud have been recited ever since during the June prayer meetings:
Kind Holy Mother, we come up here because we love you, we come up here because we respect you. Dear Blessed Mother, we come up here because we want to pay homage to almighty God, pay homage to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all that He is doing for us. Glory be...
We love You, Lord, for there is none like You. You are helping us while on earth so that when we die and leave this valley of tears we come to give You glory. We give You glory, we give You love because You are our love, because You are our hope, the shield of our life. Glory be...
Beloved Jesus, You are present in the Eucharist, in that white, blessed, immaculate Host, in order to provide for the livelihood of our soul. It is truly bread of Heaven, eternal bread, which never finishes. Just as the body needs to be nourished by the bread which is made from wheat, likewise the soul needs this food which is the result of the fruit of the Son of Man, this divine Host, the blessed Host, the immaculate Host, bread of Heaven, bread of angels which is eternal. Glory be...
Holy Spirit, spirit of the living God, increase faith, hope and love in our hearts, in our souls and in our conscience. 0 Holy Spirit do not ever abandon us, do not ever leave us, because You must accompany us to the door of Heaven, to the door of eternity. Glory be...
God the Father, glorious God, almighty God, powerful God, immortal God. Jesus You took the passion for us, Jesus You suffered such a cruel death on the wooden cross have mercy on us, have mercy on all Maltese and Gozitans. Have mercy on those places where wars are waging, where there is strife and trouble and there exists much hatred towards one other. Let us pray for the representatives (heads) of states because some of them do not use God the Father, together with His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Queen of Heaven and Earth. May Our Lady of Consecration, Our Lady of Girgenti grant us the grace to have peace in Malta and the world. Glory be...
Beloved Mother, Our Lady of Consecration, beloved Virgin Mary, you who are venerated at Girgenti, help us to increase our faith in the Father, in the Son, in the Holy Spirit and in Heaven. Help us to be in God's grace and to be happy. Glory be...
Lord God of Hosts, You are performing wonderful things for us. We thank You for this, we adore You and glorify You. Holy Jesus, kind Jesus, You showed us the greatest mercy when You undertook such a cruel passion: they scourged You, crowned You with thorns, they prepared nails and a cross to kill You. But You prayed to God the Father Almighty to have mercy on those who were doing these injustices on Your body. You even suffered being stripped of Your clothes and You did this so that we will never fall into the sin of impurity, the sin with which we offend God almighty and Yourself. Help us to take the Blessed Virgin as our example, she was always modest, a very exemplary woman in the way she dressed, in the way she behaved and in all that was willed for her by God. Glory be...
Lord, we pray for holiness of priests, because there are some priests who are of a bad will. As soon as they go down from the altar they follow the current of the world and do not reflect and meditate on how much the Lord God and the Lord Jesus love them. Glory be...
God the Father, You are grieved that so many babies who are conceived as a consequence of sin against holy purity are being killed by abortion. We pray for their parents so that they understand that Jesus came into the world to save the soul of every created being, while, they instead are killing these innocent babies by abortion. Glory be...